What we do
We provide GPs to support with Blaydon Primary Care Centre and the Queen Elizabeth Hospitals Urgent Treatment Centres (UTCs) previously know as the Walk In Centre. This service offers an alternative to A&E for a wide range of minor injuries and minor illnesses.
The Urgent Treatment Centre operates at QE Gateshead 8am – 10pm, 7 days a week and at Blaydon Primary Care Centre 8am – 9pm, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, including bank holidays.

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How does it work?
Our GPs carry out assessments by telephone or in person by appointment. Patients can either self present or be referred via NHS111.
Patients contacting NHS111 who are suitable for a UTC GP will be contacted via telephone and given a face to face appointment if required.
Patients self presenting will be triaged by a UTC nurse and booked in for either a GP telephone call or face to face appointment.
If a face to face appointment is required at either location you will be given an appointment time to attend. Our UTC GPs work alongside the QE Emergency Departments referring patients through to the appropriate departments. All consultation records are sent electronically daily back to patients GP practice.
What are
Find out more information about Urgent Treatment Centre by watching this animated video.
Primary Care
Please see more information on other services we provide across Gateshead.
If you would like to know more on how we can support you in your GP practice please get in touch below.

Extended Access
We are an extension of your GP practice offering extra appointments during practice hours, in the evenings and at weekends.

We provide a GP for urgent patient care out of hours 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Tom Schatzberger​
CBC Director and
Clinical Lead of Urgent Primary Care
Contact us
Can't find what you are looking for or would like to speak to a member of our team? Send us a message using the form below.