What we do
The General Practice Fellowship is an NHS England funded 2-year programme of support for newly qualified GPs and Nurses beginning careers in General Practice. We are delivering the scheme in Gateshead to help practices attract, support and retain tomorrow’s clinical team.
The Gateshead New to Practice Fellowship Programme aims to :
Encourage newly qualified GPs and Nurses to take up substantive posts in Gateshead practices.
Assist with transition from training to fully embedded roles.
Support practices in recruiting and meeting the learning needs of their newly qualified GPs and Nurses.
Support practices to access financial contributions to allow newly qualified GPs and Nurses to engage with education, mentoring and peer networking.
Co-ordinate a GP Peer Support Group delivered by our GP Fellowship Lead held face to face every 4th Tuesday of every month.
How does it work?
If you are a newly qualified or GPN who has qualified within the last 12 months (may be extended due to parental leave or longer-term absences) and or is employed in a Gateshead GP Practice in a substantive post (or a minimum of 2 years) Please contact... or fill in this form below?
For GP Practice
Opportunity to recruit and support enthusiastic newly qualified GPs and GPNs into your practice.
Opportunity to build your team and support succession planning.
Opportunities to fully embed your Fellow into the practice and practice life.
Improved quality of care and continuity for patients.
Work with GP and GPN to improve agreed areas of care which are beneficial to practice.
Opportunities to develop working relationships with Primary Care Network staff.
Prevent burnout/keep enthusiasm. 8. Financial incentives to support recruitment costs.
For Workforce Members
Up to 1 session protected and fully funded additional CPD session (pro-rata)
Introduction to Gateshead Health and Care System.
2-year support package to help with transition from trainee to fully embedded role
Access to peer support group and networking sessions
One-to-one Mentoring
Access to coaching to support and career development.
Opportunity to work with Primary Care Network to share good practice and new ways of working.
Protected time and opportunities achieve professional skills that are of interest to you.
Opportunity to explore career options and interests outside of usual scope of work.
Develop links with the Workforce Development team to help support and guide with training needs.
Workforce Hub
Please see more information on the range of services provided by our Workforce Hub team.
If you would like support from our team, please get in touch below.

Workforce Hub
We provide workforce support to GP Practices across Gateshead on a sessional basis.

Step into
Work Programme
Our Step into Work programme can support you to become part of the NHS or Gateshead Health and Care teams.

Nicola McDougal
Strategic Workforce
Development Lead
Contact us
Can't find what you are looking for or would like to speak to a member of our team? Send us a message using the form below.